Today is the fourth of the Hebrew month of Cheshvan. It is 81 years from the passing of the Aish Kodesh, Rabbi Kolonymus Kalman Shapira, HY”D. Thrown into the Warsaw Ghetto, he was then murdered in 1944 by the Nazis, may their names be obliterated.

Reb Kolonymus was a central Chassidic Rabbinic figure in pre-war Europe. He descended from the cream of Polish Chassidic lineage. He was a spiritual guide to many and an author of Jewish Holy books containing advanced Chassidic thought. A unique personality, he was a master educator, especially of youth, and people came from all over to seek his advice, a tradition which continues to this day with his descendants here in the Holy Land. And he was a towering beacon of light, inspiration and hope during one of the most difficult times in Jewish history.

The fourth of Cheshvan comes when the Jewish Nation is at a time of transition. The nights have begun to turn cool and yet the days are still warm. Clouds are to be found in the sky, the winds are beginning to blow and the leaves are changing colors and falling from the trees.

We have plunged into the waters of involvement in the necessities of day to day life, yet we are holding on to vestiges of the Tishrei Yom Tov season still lingering in the air. This helps create a special blend, inspiring us to engage life with a spirit of fortitude together with positivity.
The Aish Kodesh was a tremendous example of just that. Unbelievable strength in the face of the most difficult challenges. Together with his faith and trust in G-d, he was a fearless leader, defender and protector of the Jewish people. May his example be an inspiration to all of us, and may his soul continue its mission to be a protector and defender of the Jewish Nation up in the Heavens. May his neshamah have an Aliyah, and may his merit protect and shield us all.

Reb Kolonymus Kalmish Shapira HY”D
The “Aish Kodesh”