Behind the Scenes Sofer Tour

A Journey into the world of the Sofer STaM 

Have you ever wondered how a Torah Scroll is created? How every single letter is written on the parchment precisely? What is inside a pair of Tefillin? What is the significance of the Mezzuzah and how is it written? What does it take to be a Sofer STaM (scribe)? What is the significance to the initials STaM? This is what the Studio Tour is all about. Journey to Moshe Braun’s studio and take a Behind the Scenes Sofer Tour and learn all about the fascinating world of Sofrut (scribal arts).  

The Sofer Tour is a natural outgrowth of years of interaction with people yearning to understand the answers to the above.

Participants will be treated to in-depth explanations and demonstrations on how Torah Scrolls, Tefillin, Mezzuzot and Megillot are created. Differences between Ashkenazic and Sefardic writing styles will be shown. How the Sirtut, lines on the parchment, are made. How a Sofer fashions a feather pen. See a demonstration on how a Sofer writes on actual parchment and get a chance to try it yourself, and much more!

Details and Cost

Tour is appropriate for ages five and up. Perfect for individuals, families, school or camp groups and small groups. Ideal for pre-Bar Mitzvah family trips to Israel.

Tours are approximately two hours in length and must be scheduled in advance either by telephone or email.

Tour costs NIS 950 + VAT and is a flat fee up to fifteen people. 

Really like the idea but can’t make it to the studio? Option available to schedule a “Remote Tour”, where presentation can be brought to your location, hotel, etc. 

Please be in touch either by phone or email for scheduling and pricing, via the Contact page.